Dr. Christopher Hall’s 30-year career in HIV/AIDS began with work at the National AIDS Network in Washington, DC, then the umbrella organization of AIDS service organizations throughout the US. Subsequently, he developed a CDC-funded information clearinghouse for people with hemophilia and HIV, housed at the National Hemophilia Foundation. Later at the Hemophilia Foundation, he directed a multi-site, hemophilia-specific NIAID-funded AIDS clinical trials unit, managing all administrative, fiscal, and technical aspects of the program, supervising a research staff of six and overseeing study site subcontractors. There Dr. Hall also served as staff liaison and convener for the Foundation’s AIDS Treatment Working Group, NIAID Working Group, and Medical and Scientific Advisory Council. He then moved on to policy work in San Francisco for Health Initiatives for Youth, after which he worked in the research groups of Drs. Robert Siliciano and Joel Gallant while in medical school at Johns Hopkins. With the completion of further training in infectious diseases and through work with the State of California Department of Public Health’s STD Control Branch, Dr. Hall conducted research studies on hepatitis C prevalence in San Francisco’s urban poor and evaluated the efficacy of an oral drug alternative to conventional parenteral therapy for Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
From there, he transitioned to the medical leadership of the East Bay AIDS Center (EBAC), the largest provider of HIV care and services in San Francisco’s East Bay area. Contemporaneously Dr. Hall served as medical director of San Francisco’s Magnet Clinic since 2004 and more recently served as Vice President Medical Affairs at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, through 2020. Since 2018 he has worked with Nurx, first as a board member of its Health Justice Foundation and later as a senior medical advisor in clinical development. He also served as a medical consultant to the California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center and its STD Warmline since 2010. Dr. Hall has a record of commitment to HIV-related research, care, and administration, and the capacity to develop programs that can successfully provide access to sexual health and HIV clinical care for hard-to-reach and marginalized communities.
Dr. Hall enjoys working in digital health because it offers the promise of overcoming logistical and geographical barriers that limit individuals’ access to needed care services. At Nurx, there is an ability to assemble a highly qualified medical group that spans the country and possesses a level of STI and HIV knowledge and expertise difficult to locate in any single in-person medical setting. Since digital health enables immediate, secure, bi-directional messaging, the process of clinical evaluation, results receipt, and arranging for treatment can be done efficiently and on a patient’s terms and timeline.
“Nurx brings together an energetic, talented group of clinicians and technical experts to create a team unrivaled in the digital space that is dedicated to quality medical care based on an asynchronous telemedicine platform — this model is not replicated elsewhere. The high degree of clinical competency and compulsion in the fields in which we practice is unrivaled.”
Clinical Focus
Sexual Health, HIV
University of California San Francisco, Infectious Diseases Clinical Fellow: 2001-2004
Brigham & Women’s Hospital / Harvard University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, Internal Medicine Intern/Resident: 1999-2001
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, Doctor of Medicine: May 1999
Wagner School of Public Service, New York University, New York, New York. Masters of Science in Management: May 1991
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Bachelor of Arts with Highest Distinction: May 1987
The Hastings Center, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. Intern: 1986
Boards & Advisory Committees
Clinical Advisory Board member
National Coalition of STD Directors
Nurx Articles
Q&A with Nurx Provider, Christopher Hall, MD
“The PrEP cascade: Initiation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and retention in care in a clinic-based cohort of men who have sex with men.” (Poster) Hojilla JC, Crouch PC, Santos GM, Freeborn K, Vlahov D, Dawson-Rose C, Grant RM, Hall CS, Carrico A, 9TH IAS CONFERENCE ON HIV SCIENCE – Paris, France, July 23-26, 2017, ABSTRACT A-854-0250-03404.
“Improving HIV/STD prevention in the care of persons living with HIV through a national training program,” Dreisbach S, Burnside H, Hsu K, Smock L, Coury-Doniger P, Hall C, Marrazzo J, Nagendra G, Rietmeijer C, Rompalo A, Thrun M. AIDS Patient Care STDs, 2014. 28 (1): 15-21.
“Performance of rapid point-of-care and laboratory tests for acute and established HIV infection in San Francisco,” Pilcher CD, Louie B, Facente S, Keating S, Hackett J Jr, Vallari A, Hall C, Dowling T, Busch MP, Klausner JD, Hecht FM, Liska S, Pandori MW. PLoS One, 2013. 8(12): e80629.
“Streptococcus suis meningitis, United States” [letter], Lee GT, Chiu CY, Haller BL, Denn PM, Hall CS, Gerberding JL. Emerg Infect Dis, 2008. Available from https://www.cdc.gov/EID/content/14/1/183.htm.
STD section author, Fundamentals of HIV Medicine for the HIV Specialist, American Academy of HIV Medicine, 2007.
“Emerging Issues in Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in HIV Infection,” Hall CS, Marrazzo JD. Curr Infect Dis Rep, 2007. 9 (6): 518-30.
“Lymphogranuloma Venereum,” Hall CS, in Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, ed. Klausner JD and Hook EW, (McGraw-Hill), April 2007.
“Factors Associated with Seronegative Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection in HIV Infection,” Chamie G, Bonacini M, Bangsberg DR, Stapleton JT, Hall C, Overton ET, Scherzer R, Tien PC. Clinical Infectious Disease, 2007. 44 (4): 577-83.
“Syphilis and HIV,” Hall CS, Bolan G, HIV InSite (online), revised June 2006.
“Use of NAATs for STD Diagnosis of GC/CT in Non-FDA-cleared Anatomic Specimens,” Renault CA, Hall CS, Kent CK, Klausner JD. Medical Laboratory Observer, 2006.
“The Impact of Chronic Hepatitis C on Health-Related Quality of Life in Homeless and Marginally Housed Individuals with HIV,” Tsui JI, Bangsberg DR, Ragland K, Hall CS, Riley ED. AIDS & Behavior, 2006.
“Provider Assessment of Eligibility for Hepatitis C Treatment in HIV-infected Homeless and Marginally Housed Persons,” Thompson VV, Ragland KE, Hall CS, Bangsberg DR, AIDS, 2005, Suppl 3: S208-14.
“Managing Syphilis in the HIV-infected Patient,” Hall CS, Klausner JD, Bolan GA, Current Infectious Disease Reports, 2004. 6 (1): 72-81.
“Diagnostic Tests for Common STDs and HSV-2,” Hall CS, Klausner JD, Medical Laboratory Observer, 2004. 36 (2): 10-6.
“Hepatitis C Virus Infection in San Francisco’s HIV-infected Urban Poor: High Prevalence and Incidence but Low Treatment Rates,” Hall CS, Charlebois ED, Hahn JA, Moss AR, Bangsberg DR, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2004, 19 (4): 357-65.
“Web Alert” Section Editor, Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 2004-08.
“The Efficacy of Salvage Therapy Containing Ritonavir and Saquinavir after Failure of Single Protease Inhibitor-Containing Regimens,” Hall CS, Raines CP, Barnett SH, Moore RD, Gallant JE, AIDS, 1999. 13 (10): 1207-12.
“Processing of HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein for Class I-Restricted Recognition: Dependence on TAP 1/2 and Mechanisms for Cytosolic Localization,” Ferris RL, Hall C, Sipsas NV, Safrit JT, Trocha A, Koup RA, Johnson RP, Siliciano RF, Journal of Immunology, 1999. 162: 1324-32.
“The Teaching Case” (A Piece of My Mind), Hall C, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998. 279 (14): 1053.
“The Experience of Children with Hemophilia and HIV Infection,” Hall CS, Journal of School Health, 1994. 64 (1): 16-7.