Person with wavy brown hair wearing a blue blouse against a solid red background.

Lina Brenner

General Counsel

Lina Brenner leads the Legal and Compliance team at Nurx. Prior to joining Nurx, Lina spent nearly a decade at McKesson Corporation, a Fortune 10 company, overseeing legal and compliance teams and providing commercial and regulatory support to a variety of business units spanning pharmaceutical procurement, marketing, and consumer programs. She was previously a litigation partner at Duane Morris LLP, with an emphasis on representing and defending clients in highly regulated industries.


Nurx Inspiration
Our collective passion to equalize access to vital and often liberating healthcare! Nurx will be at the vanguard of efficiently, effectively and seamlessly delivering quality healthcare for multiple conditions to millions of people who might otherwise not be able to access it.


Favorite Quote
Be brief, be bright, be gone.


Favorite Brand
New York Times because I am a news junkie.


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