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Making a Morning-After Less of a Stress

Delivering prescription-only Ella with overnight shipping marks the beginning of Nurx Now, our new urgent care service.

overnight prescription morning-after pill
Written by Nurx
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If you have sex and are able to get pregnant, having emergency contraception on hand is just smart. If a condom breaks, if you forget to take your regular form of birth control or anything unexpected happens, then having a little morning-after pill in your bedside table can be a lifesaver by protecting you from an unintended pregnancy.

But if you experience a “morning after” and don’t have emergency contraception on hand it can be stressful to say the least. Plan B and its generic versions are available over-the-counter, but not every drugstore stocks it and you may not be comfortable purchasing it in person, especially if you live in a small town.

We’re Here When You (Really) Need Us

Since 2016 the Nurx medical team has been helping people when they need it urgently, by sending emergency contraception prescriptions to local pharmacies for pick up. They’ve helped more than 40,000 patients in urgent need of the morning-after pill,  but heard from many patients that having to go to the pharmacy was a burden — inconvenient or embarrassing, and in some cases their local pharmacies don’t dispense the morning-after pill.

Get birth control at home

Birth control from Nurx costs as little as $0 with insurance or $15 per month without insurance.

To the rescue: Nurx Now, our new urgent care service that is launching with overnight shipping of prescription-only Ella. Ella is an emergency contraception pill that may work for up to 5 days after unprotected sex (Plan B only works for up to 72 hours) and is more effective than Plan B for women who weigh more than 165 pounds. If you’re in need of the morning-after pill you can request it 7 days a week through the Nurx website or app and receive prioritized attention from one of our medical providers, and overnight shipping for only $15 (shipping will take two days if you make your request on the weekend). 

“By meeting the demand for urgent emergency contraception through access to medical providers 7 days a week and overnight shipping, Nurx is breaking down barriers to sensitive health needs and offering comprehensive care,” said Varsha Rao, CEO of Nurx. “Our patients who trust Nurx with their ongoing medical needs are also seeking urgent solutions and Nurx Now will provide that, first in emergency contraception with other urgent care options to follow.”

Two Ways to Access EC

Patients can use insurance to pay for Ella, often for a $0 copay, or pay $45 out-of-pocket. Nurx charges $15 for a medical consultation, which covers unlimited access to the medical team so patients can ask questions. Nurx also offers New Day (generic Plan B One-Step) over-the-counter, with no medical consultation required. No-rush shipping of both Ella and New Day is free, for patients who want emergency contraception to have on hand.

“While the morning-after pill is available over-the-counter as Plan B One-Step and its generics, some pharmacies don’t stock it and not every woman is comfortable buying it in person,” says Jennifer Peña, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Nurx. “By offering emergency contraception with expedited shipping, Nurx makes this valuable pregnancy prevention tool more accessible and continues our commitment to de stigmatizing personal health needs.”



Exceptional care at every step

At Nurx, we make it easy to get the expert healthcare you deserve. From schedules to health history, everybody is different—so we provide treatment and care that’s personalized to you. Through life’s cycles, changes, and transitions, we’re here to help you make informed choices about your health.

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