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This App is Revolutionizing Women’s Health

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Written by vhigueras
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Back in the day, doctors made house calls when you needed healthcare. Today, just like scrunchies and mom jeans, the era of on-demand healthcare is back — only better, thanks to Nurx.

Nurx is mobile app that’s revolutionizing women’s healthcare. Here’s why.

Millions of women today live in places called contraceptive deserts. This means their nearest provider or clinic is often hundreds of miles away.

Long distances aren’t the only barrier to birth control. There’s the difficulty of squeezing into your doctor’s busy schedule, taking time off of work, or finding childcare. Women every day face these roadblocks.

The Nurx app breaks down these barriers, saving you trips to the doctor and pharmacy. Instead, open the Nurx app — anywhere, anytime. The app is your doctor and pharmacist rolled into one.

The Nurx app also wipes out stigma that may make you shy away from a judgey doctor or paternalistic pharmacist — and thereby miss out on the birth control you deserve.

Nurx doesn’t care who you partner with, or how you live your life. Instead, the Nurx app empowers you with private, trustworthy, and affordable contraceptive choices from nonjudgemental medical professionals.

How does Nurx work?

Download the app and select the service or services you want.

Running low on birth control? Just respond to a few questions about your health history and chat with a medical provider. Next, choose among more than 50 name-brand and generic forms of birth control. That’s it!

Your prescription is good for a year. Automatic birth control refills are delivered to your door. Shipping is fast, free, and packaging is discreet.

Have questions? A licensed provider is available to chat 24/7.

What does birth control cost?

If you have insurance, Nurx can be as low as $0. Nurx takes care of billing your insurance, so you don’t have to worry.

No insurance? No problem. Nurx offers many generic options that cost as little as $15 a month.

What are the types of birth control available on the Nurx app?

Whether you want pills, the patch, ring, or shot, the Nurx app has you covered.

Just select which form of birth control is right for you, or ask a knowledgeable Nurx provider for recommendations. If you prefer not to take a daily pill, a weekly patch or low-maintenance ring are great options. One ring lasts up to 21 days, before giving you a short break for your period.

Thinking longer term? The self-administered shot lasts for three months. (Insider tip: Message your doctor in the Nurx app for this option.) A shot may be right for you if you’re breastfeeding or no fan of estrogen-based birth control.

Where can I find Nurx?

Right now, Nurx is available to around 70% of the US population. It’s probably where you live too. Check here to find out.

If telemedicine laws in your state are holding up Nurx, send an email to [email protected]. When Nurx arrives in your state, we’ll let you know!

What are you waiting for? Join the healthcare revolution. Download Nurx in the iOS app store today or order birth control online!


This blog pro­vides infor­ma­tion about telemed­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. The blog content and any linked materials herein are not intended to be, and should not be con­strued as a substitute for, med­ical or healthcare advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any reader or per­son with a med­ical con­cern should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other healthcare provider. This blog is provided purely for informational purposes. The views expressed herein are not sponsored by and do not represent the opinions of Nurx™.

Exceptional care at every step

At Nurx, we make it easy to get the expert healthcare you deserve. From schedules to health history, everybody is different—so we provide treatment and care that’s personalized to you. Through life’s cycles, changes, and transitions, we’re here to help you make informed choices about your health.

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