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HIV in America: Know the Numbers

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Written by Nurx
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The HIV epidemic in the US doesn’t make headlines much anymore. The infection has faded from front-page coverage mostly for a positive reason: Thanks to drugs developed in the mid-90s, HIV is no longer a death sentence and people with the virus can live long and healthy lives.

In more great news, there’s now a daily pill that acts like an HIV vaccine: the medication PrEP. PrEP was recently endorsed by the US Preventive Services Task Force, a prestigious medical group, as a recommended preventive treatment for all people at risk of HIV.

But these breakthroughs in HIV prevention and treatment are clouded by some sad statistics — too many Americans still get infected, despite advances in prevention. Take a look at the numbers that spell out the story of HIV in America today.

Get PrEP for HIV prevention at home

Nurx offers PrEP for HIV prevention for as little as $0 with insurance for medication.

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