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What does the mental health consultation cover?

A smiling woman with long brown hair, wearing a black top and gray cardigan, on a plain light pink background.

Medically reviewed by Susan Vachon, PA-C on March 9, 2022

There isn’t a one-size-fits all treatment for mental health conditions — the medication/s and the dose that work best varies by individual patient and may change for that patient over time. For that reason, you may need to communicate with our medical team regularly at the beginning of your treatment to make sure you achieve good results. Once your treatment plan is established our medical team will check in throughout the year, to confirm that the treatment is working and adjust if needed. Nurx patients can message the medical team any time to ask questions about their treatment or request prescription adjustments. This ongoing care and unlimited access to our medical team costs $59 for the initial consultation (in addition to the copay or cost of your medication) and $69 per month for ongoing medication management, even if there are months when you don’t communicate with us. Please note that Nurx does not provide therapy or counseling.

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