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“Why I Say #ThxBirthControl”

“Why I Say #ThxBirthControl” Image
Written by Nurx
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What does birth control make possible for you? That’s the question on our brains today, because November 13 is Thanks Birth Control Day, a celebration of contraception designed to remind the world that access to birth control is fundamental to women’s wellbeing.

We asked the Nurx community to share why they say #ThxBirthControl today and every day. You responded enthusiastically with stories of easier periods, less hormonal havoc, more carefree sex, and feelings of power over your bodies and control of your destinies. Here’s a sampling of what you had to say about what BC means to you:

Managing Periods and Health Issues

“Lighter periods.” — L

“For helping me not have to suffer painful periods“— S

“I use the combination pill to skip periods so I don’t have to deal with menstrual pain.” — E

“Clear skin” — V

“For helping me battle endometriosis “— A 

“Missed a lot of classes because of my period, PMS, and intense cramping — BC changed that.” — A

Deciding Whether and When to Have Kids

“For keeping me less stressed and protected” — J

“For providing me with the flexibility to choose if and when I want to have children.” — A

“Birth control allows me to be a ‘one and done’ mom” — K

“Allows me to control my destiny and decide when I’m ready to have a child” — N

“The birth control pill allowed me to have the two children I wanted, with the right person, at the right time.” —C

Freedom and Control

“It gives me power to control my body and my life.” — J

“It gives me a sense of control and freedom over my body” — P

“For providing me with the option to pursue higher education and focus on my career.” — A

“For letting me take control of my bodily autonomy and enjoy sex without fear of becoming pregnant! And as an assault survivor making me feel like my body was mine and mine alone” — A

Share Your Story and Enter to Win!

Why are you grateful for birth control? Share your story on social media and enter to win an entire year of free birth control* from Nurx, plus swag from our partners at Bedsider. To enter, follow @nurxapp on Instagram, then like our #ThxBirthControl day post and leave a comment saying why you’re thankful for birth control and tagging a friend. A winner will be picked November 25th. 

*For birth control pills at $15 per pack.

Need Help Paying for Birth Control?

Although Nurx works hard to make birth control affordable for people without insurance, we know that paying for it may still be a challenge for some. To help out women who find the cost of birth control to be a financial burden, we’ve partnered with the non-profit Bedsider to give free birth control for a year to qualifying women who are new to Nurx.

If you are in significant financial need* apply for free birth control through our partnership with BC Benefits, a project of Bedsider and Power to Decide.

*New patients only


This blog pro­vides infor­ma­tion about telemed­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. The blog content and any linked materials herein are not intended to be, and should not be con­strued as a substitute for, med­ical or healthcare advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any reader or per­son with a med­ical con­cern should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other healthcare provider. This blog is provided purely for informational purposes. The views expressed herein are not sponsored by and do not represent the opinions of Nurx™.

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