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The Birth Control Flow Chart

Confused by all the birth control options? This chart offers guidance on which method might be best for you.

birth control pills
Written by Nurx
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Whether you’re new to hormonal birth control or simply looking to try a different method, the options may feel overwhelming — pill, patch, implant, IUD, that new gel that’s advertised on TV? To help you get a handle on the 50+ birth control options Nurx prescribes and which one is right for you, we created a handy flow chart that shows some of the factors that will determine which formula might be a fit.

As you can see, you probably have more options if you’re paying with insurance, because most plans cover a range of birth control methods without a copay. If you don’t have insurance, a generic pill that costs $15 per month is probably your best bet, and Nurx prescribes many popular pills at that price. The birth control shot, at $75 per month, is another affordable option for those without insurance.

Get birth control at home

Birth control from Nurx costs as little as $0 with insurance or $15 per month without insurance.

However, the factors that determine the best method for you are too individual to determine with a flow chart. The medical team at Nurx has prescribed birth control to more than 1 million people, and can help you find your ideal method. Get started now.



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