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What Is a Monophasic Birth Control Pill?

The monophasic birth control pill is a hormonal method of contraception that contains estrogen and progestin. Each monophasic birth control pill contains an equal amount of estrogen and progestin for the entire monthly cycle. The monophasic birth control pill is usually prescribed to women who want to regulate their menstrual cycle, want a reliable form of contraception, or have the polycystic ovarian syndrome.

How It Works

The monophasic pill contains estrogen and progestin which prevent pregnancy by:

  1. Stopping ovulation and preventing the release of a mature egg from the ovaries.
  2. Thickening the cervical mucus, thus forming a plug through which sperm cannot pass.
  3. Thinning the uterus lining, making implantation of the egg difficult.

There are several formulations of monophasic birth control pills. The ratio of estrogen to progesterone varies between the different brands, but they all function the same way. Monophasic pills provide one dose of estrogen and progestin throughout the pill cycle, while biphasic pills provide a lower dose during the first half of the pill cycle and a higher dose during the second half. Triphasic pills provide three different doses throughout the pill cycle.

Get Birth Control Pills At Home

Birth control pills from Nurx cost as little as $0 with insurance or $15 per month without insurance.

Other Benefits

Apart from birth control, monophasic pills are also used to treat other disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, improving bone density and acne. In addition, monophasic pills provide benefits that include:

  1. Reducing the amount of bleeding during each menstrual cycle.
  2. Lowering the intensity of pelvic cramps and abdominal pain during the menstrual period.
  3. Relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

The monophasic birth control pills are generally well tolerated. Some women may experience side effects such as nausea, headaches, mild weight gain, mood changes, breast and nipple soreness, and fatigue. However, these adverse effects only occur in a few women, and are usually mild.

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