About nurx
- Is there an age restriction for getting on birth control with Nurx?
- Is Nurx safe?
- Does everyone who gets a prescription through Nurx have the opportunity to talk to a doctor?
- Where are your drugs sourced from?
- How do I get my medication automatically refilled?
- How do I know Nurx uses real doctors and real pharmacies?
- Who are your doctors?
- Who can use the headache and migraine service from Nurx?
- I'm a doctor and would love to work with Nurx, where do I start?
- Does Nurx offer masculinizing gender-affirming hormone therapy (HRT)?
- Does Nurx replace my primary care provider?
- Does Nurx offer feminizing gender-affirming hormone therapy (HRT)?
- What do I need to know about Nurx’s upgraded website and application?
- Does Nurx replace doctors?
- Can I order a prescription or home test kit for someone else?
- Where is the lab that processes the Nurx test kits?
- How can I find a prescriber's credentials?
- How does Nurx work?
- Does Nurx offer healthcare services specifically for transgender and nonbinary people?
- How do refills through Nurx work?
- Where can I provide feedback or get in contact with Nurx?
- What are Nurx's hours?
- What is your automatic refill policy?
- Why doesn’t my medication match the one in the photo on your website?
- What options should I know about living in New Jersey?
- Why did I receive one pack of birth control instead of three?
- Can I get a refill before my next fill date?
- My package is being returned. What do I do?
- Where do you mail prescriptions?
- Will I be able to track my Nurx shipment?
- Can I return a prescription?
- How do I switch to getting 1 month of medication delivered?
- How is birth control from Nurx shipped?
- My testing kit is missing but it says it was delivered. What do I do?
- Can I pick up my prescription at my local pharmacy?
- What do I do if my order doesn’t have the same number of packs as my Nurx notification said it would?
- How fast can I get my prescription?
- My package is missing but it says it was delivered. What do I do?
- How is the medication shipped?
- How much birth control can I request at one time?
- Why does my medication look different from last time?
- How do I update my insurance card?
- How do I change the birth control brand for my next shipment?
- Can I delete my Nurx account?
- How do I update my billing information?
- How do I update my email address?
- How do I update or add my blood pressure?
- How do I change the refill date for my medication?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I update my ID?
- How do I update my phone number?
- How can I cancel my subscription?
- How do I change my shipping address?
- How do I cancel an order?
- Where can I get a blood pressure reading?
- What do I do if my medication is a non-covered item on my insurance plan?
- What is the support fee?
- How will a receipt show on my bank or credit card statement?
- Does Nurx take manufacturer coupons for birth control?
- Does Nurx accept health insurance for medication?
- How much does headache and migraine treatment cost through Nurx?
- Does insurance cover the cost of the Nurx Home STI Test Kits?
- I have Medicaid; is Nurx an option for me?
- Is the consultation fee the same for all of your health care services?
- How much does Nurx cost?
- What is a prior authorization?
- If pay out of pocket will I get the same medication as someone with insurance?
- Can I get a refund on the Nurx home test kits if I decide not to do the tests?
- What's the difference between my insurance card and my pharmacy benefits card?
- How does yearly deduction for my prescription plan work with co-pay?
- What is a drug formulary list?
- Can I use credits to cover the consultation fee?
- How do I switch from using insurance to paying out of pocket?
- What do I do when my benefit cap is exceeded?
- What if I lose or break part of my Nurx home test kit?
- What is this pending charge on my card?
- How much do the Nurx Home STI Test Kits cost?
- What happens if my prescription request doesn’t get approved - will I get a refund for my consultation fee?
- Is there a charge for receiving a one-month supply of medication at a time?
- What Insurance Plans Are In-Network for STI Testing?
- How much does an online consultation cost?
- What if I am told that your pharmacy is not in my network and I have to go to a specific pharmacy to pick up my medication?
- I would like to pay for my medication out of pocket. How much will that cost?
- Do all patients have to pay a consultation fee?
- Why did the birth control consultation fee change?
- Can I submit the medical consult fee to be reimbursed by my FSA or HSA?
- Is the consultation covered by my health insurance provider?
- Can I pay with credit card?
- How do I turn off automatic credit card charges if my insurance has an issue?